Infrared sauna therapy: 7 benefits of the optimal health

Infrared sauna therapy is becoming more famous for its benefits. The infrared waves of the sun are beneficial for the body as they help to increase the thermal temperature. So, doctors also suggest infrared sauna therapy for optimal health. The notable benefits of infrared sauna therapy are weight loss, pain relief, relaxation, detoxification, sound sleep, improvement of relaxation, etc.

Image of infrared Sauna Therapy

What is infrared sauna therapy?

An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses infrared light to generate heat. You may know that infrared light can penetrate human tissues. Infrared sauna therapy is better than traditional therapy. Because infrared sauna therapy directly heats the body, it has different types of benefits. On the other hand, the traditional sauna warms the air.

Types of infrared saunas

Infrared saunas can vary from person to person. Because everybody doesn’t require the same kind of sauna. Here are different kinds of saunas-

Far-infrared therapy:

Far-infrared therapy uses far-infrared rays (FIR). These far-infrared rays are invisible waves of the sun. These lights can penetrate your skin easily. Moreover, these lights can enhance your body temperature. In this way, it promotes body system function.

Near-infrared therapy:

Near-infrared therapy is also known as photobiomodulation therapy or PBMT. This therapy uses visible light and the near-infrared spectrum. This therapy can regenerate tissues, improve wound healing, and lessen pain and inflammation.

Full spectrum infrared sauna:

Full spectrum infrared sauna is used for chronic illness. A Clearlight full spectrum infrared sauna is a dry sauna. It generally uses near, mid, and far infrared heat waves to increase the thermal energy in the body. The significant benefits of Full spectrum infrared sauna are relieving muscle tension, weight loss, improving sleep quality, etc.


Chromotherapy is also known as color light therapy. Nowadays, it is used in many hospitals and research centers. It is a technique that helps to restore balance throughout the body. 

Read More: Benefits of Chromotherapy

The benefits of infrared sauna therapy:

Beneficial for heart health:

Infrared sauna therapy may reduce blood pressure and improve blood vessel function. It is also helpful for patients with heart failure. It helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.

There is preliminary but high-quality support for FIRS (far infrared sauna therapy) for the treatment of systolic hypertension - source 

Stress reduction:

Relaxation is the most vital thing for good health. We are unable to avoid stress completely. But we can mitigate it in various ways, and infrared saunas can be the best way to do so. The heat and relaxation experienced in an infrared sauna can help reduce stress. It gives tranquility. Infrared sauna therapy helps to balance your body’s level of cortisol, the primary stress hormone.

Skin health:

Infrared sauna therapy is also good for skin health. It promotes collagen production. It can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, oil, dirt, and bacteria and improve skin tone. Near-infrared therapy is best for skin rejuvenation. Because it can reach deeper levels of your skin.

Weight loss:

If you are too busy to exercise, infrared sauna therapy can be the best choice for you. During a sauna session, the temperature of your body and heart rate increase. A 30-minute sauna session can burn up to 600 calories. If you are facing a problem with obesity, you should try infrared sauna therapy. In this respect, full-spectrum sauna therapy is the best solution for weight loss.

Pain management:

Patients with chronic pain conditions like arthritis, fibromyalgia, and muscle soreness should use infrared sauna therapy. Infrared light can easily penetrate the joints, muscles, and tissues. It promotes blood circulation and blood flow. Infrared sauna therapy is a popular choice for athletes and those recovering from injuries.


Do you have an idea about the natural detoxification system of your body? It is sweating. Infrared sauna therapy also uses this natural detoxification system. Infrared light increases the heat in your body, which causes sweating. Sweetening can eliminate toxins and impurities.

Improve the immune system:

Infrared sauna therapy helps to improve your immune system.  It decreases the risk of different kinds of cardiovascular diseases, such as cancer, dementia, etc. Even so, you can avoid the common cold by taking infrared sauna therapy.

The risks of Infrared sauna therapy

Though infrared sauna therapy is completely risk-free, it can be risky in certain situations.

 If you have problems with heat, you should avoid infrared sauna therapy. Moreover, if you are pregnant, you must avoid infrared sauna therapy. Because it may cause birth defects. Infrared sauna therapy is especially harmful during early pregnancy.

If you are sick but have a craving for a sauna, please avoid it.

The things about which you have to be careful before taking infrared sauna therapies 

  • Try to keep your sessions short (for beginners).

  •  A 30-minute session is considered completely risk-free for an experienced person. 

  • Must be careful about temperature. 

  • If you are a beginner, you can start at something like 110 degrees for 5 to 10 minutes.

  •  Make sure that you are hydrated. 

  • You can take water with you. 

  • You should take a bath after taking infrared sauna therapy. Otherwise, your body will absorb the toxins again.

  •  To get all the benefits, you should make a schedule to take infrared sauna therapy regularly.


1. Is infrared sauna therapy worth trying?

Absolutely. Many doctors recommend it for optimal health.

2. Does infrared sauna therapy burn fat?

Obviously. infrared sauna therapy burns fat. You can use it to lose weight. Many people with obesity problems use infrared sauna therapy to lose weight.

3. Is infrared sauna therapy good for the brain?

Yes, it is completely good for your brain. As infrared sauna therapy increases blood flow and removes toxins, it is beneficial for the brain.


Infrared sauna therapy is the easiest way to keep yourself relaxed and healthy. However, infrared sauna therapy provides a much more therapeutic and comfortable experience. Though it has many benefits, it is not recommended for young children or elderly adults.


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