Red Blotchy Skin After Infrared Sauna: What Triggers The Issue And How To Prevent

Red blotchy skin after infrared sauna is a common and harmless side effect. The enlargement of blood vessels, histamine release, specific skin conditions, and lifestyle-relevant factors can temporarily cause the issue. Generally, the redness becomes invisible in hours. If not, you can heal the affected skin with self-treatments.

Like other cities in Tennessee, people are noticed to be more interested in going to the infrared sauna in Franklin to get several health advantages. Awareness of such common aftereffects is essential if you also plan to book a session.


What Causes The Red Blotchy Skin After Infrared Sauna?

You can experience blotchy skin after sauna for the following reasons.

Blood vessel expansion:

The light used in an infrared sauna heats the body from the inside. The process causes dilation in blood vessels. Thus, it enhances the blood flow and triggers sweating. Expansion of blood vessels, which appears red and blotchy, can be noticeable on your skin. 

The reaction is very common during the sauna session. It may look red and blotchy, but is a temporary skin change.

Histamine release:

Histamine is a chemical that our immune system creates. Your body can release the substance when a hot environment surrounds you, like an infrared sauna room. It can respond to the heat from the infrared rays. As a result, your post-sauna skin may appear red and blotchy.

Specific skin conditions:

If you have a skin condition like rosacea or eczema, you may experience a visible redness after sauna. Redness and swelling naturally occur on the skin due to those conditions. 

The inflammation can be amplified when the affected skin experiences infrared heat. People with skin conditions must be aware of this side effect. Also, they need to consult a doctor about whether they should go for an infrared sauna.

Other factors:

Many other factors can influence the redness of the skin after infrared sauna. The common reasons are dehydration, excessive alcohol or caffeine intake, and stress.

Sweating during sauna causes dehydration, which can begin patches of rough, scaly, itchy skin. On the other hand, uncontrolled alcohol intake causes alcohol flush, resulting in skin irritation and a red face after sauna. Your skin can also react abnormally to the infrared heat if you are mentally or physically stressed.

How to Treat Red Blotchy Skin After Infrared Sauna?

You can heal the affected skin with some easy techniques. They should recover your skin within a short time after sauna.

Take a cool shower: 

This is the first thing you can try to recover the affected skin. If showering or bathing is impossible, you can apply a cool compress alternatively. Both methods will work likewise.

Drink plenty of water:

The redness on the skin can also happen due to excessive dehydration. Drinking sufficient water can rehydrate the body fast.

Apply aloe vera gel:

Spot the affected skin and apply some aloe vera gel. This natural gel contains anti-inflammatory properties that soothingly heal the skin.

Apply a moisturizer:

Applying a regular moisturizer will be very effective if the redness occurs due to excessive skin dryness.

Avoid harsh soaps:

Do not use harsh soap and exfoliants when you notice mottled skin after sauna. Using such toiletries can worsen the redness and irritation. 

Can you prevent blotchy skin after an infrared sauna?

You can prevent red patches on your skin after sauna by following these simple tips: 

  • If you are a beginner, start with a shorter session to adjust your body to heat.

  • Ensure that the temperature is not too high. The ideal infrared sauna temperature should be between 110 and 135 F°.

  • Drink sufficient water or liquid before and after sauna sessions.

  • If you feel uncomfortable in the infrared room, stop immediately and take a break to lower your body temperature.

  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol right before and after the sauna.

  • Do you have any skin condition? Talk to your doctor for personalized advice before the session.

  • If you experience physical complications after the infrared sauna, visit a nearby health care center.

Final Words 

There are several infrared sauna fitness studios in Franklin. However, you should choose one with experienced instructors who can guide you and make you aware of such general complications. Heat rash after sauna is a common side effect from which your body can recover quickly. In rare cases, it can remain longer. But it also has precise treatments. Since the lack of precaution is primarily responsible for the issue, following the preventive steps will help you avoid the problem. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I distinguish between a regular skin reaction and a post-sauna effect?

The redness caused by infrared sauna generally has a milder effect. In contrast, the impact and discomfort of regular skin reactions vary depending on their types. 

Q. Does the duration and frequency of sauna sessions influence the red blotchy skin?

It may happen. You should understand your tolerance level and take infrared sauna sessions accordingly. 

Q. How quickly should red blotchy skin recover?

Your skin should naturally return to its normal state within a few hours.


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